Violence and Impact Early Warning System- People In Need (VIEWS-PIN)

© UNOCHA | Joel Opulencia


Developed by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Uppsala University, the Violence & Impacts Early-Warning System – People in Need (VIEWS-PIN) is an innovative research initiative that applies machine learning, advanced statistics, and big data to predict conflict-driven humanitarian needs up to three years into the future.

Set at an extension to the world-leading conflict prediction system VIEWS, VIEWS-PIN will provide monthly worldwide forecasts for the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance following exposure to conflict. Defining need as adverse changes in average income, access to water, healthcare, education, and food, VIEWS-PIN will also provide forecasts for each of these five dimensions to facilitate targeted action.

VIEWS-PIN is designed to strengthen decision-making, including resource allocation and programming, with the goal to reduce human suffering. It champions transparency and responsible data handling by providing interpretative tools and analytics to convey geographically detailed forecasts of conflict across the globe and forecasts for humanitarian needs for all Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).



24 months



A predictive model that helps CRAF’d partners to assess evolving humanitarian need, enhancing anticipation, prevention, and response to crises.


Country-specific risk levels, identifying critical risk combinations that may lead to potential crises, enabling targeted crisis action.


User-centric data exploration through an open-source web interface designed for immersive data exploration.


With crucial CRAF'd support, VIEWS is well-positioned to reshape global humanitarian needs forecasting, enabling CRAF'd partners to reach people in fragile and crisis-affected settings earlier, faster, and in a more targeted and dignified manner. CRAF'd support is instrumental in strengthening VIEWS data infrastructure, incorporating longitudinal surveys to advance localized predictions across all Low and Middle-Income Countries. This innovative tool enhances our understanding of compound shocks, referring to the combined impact of climate hazards and conflicts, and provides geographically detailed forecasts.


Datasets and analytical tools produced and publicly available.


Publications that feature
VIEWS-PIN insights.


Users that leverage VIEWS-PIN for decision-making, resource allocation, and programming.


Through CRAF’d, VIEWS-PIN develops improved conflict early warning and analyses of compound risks to strengthen anticipatory action, allowing earlier and more targeted allocation of resources and increased societal preparedness to cope with complex crises.

Henrik Urdal
Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo


UNHCR: Early Warning Grid-Based Risk Modeling of Climate


NORCAP: Strengthening the CRAF’d Data Ecosystem for Better Crisis Action