PROJECTS © UNOCHA / Florent Vergnes CRAF’d-FUNDED PROJECTS UN Women: Leveraging Gender Data in Crisis and Conflict Situations ACLED: Maintaining and improving ACLED’s core operations IDMC: Global Reference Data and Analysis on Internal Displacement IOM: Global Internal Migration and Forced Displacement Dataset ICPAC: Early Warning for Droughts and Floods in East Africa CLIMATE CENTRE: Multi-hazard Datasets and Indices for sub-Saharan Africa and MENA UNDP: Global Risk Anticipation Data Platform ACLED: Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project CRISIS GROUP: Environmental Early Action and Risk Tracking Hub INFORM CONSORTIUM: INFORM Warning Risk Monitoring & Alert Tool DPPA: Geospatial Dashboards for Climate Assessment and Early Warning UNHCR: Early Warning Grid-Based Risk Modeling of Climate PRIO: Violence and Impact Early Warning System- People In Need NORCAP: Strengthening the CRAF’d Data Ecosystem for Better Crisis Action